Command Line Options


EnzoDS.exe is the program that a self-hosted or container agent executes. When running as a self-hosted agent, the DataZen windows service points to the EnzoDS.exe program, while the container is configured to start the EnzoDS.exe as an interactive application. This program has a few startup options as described below:

-? Displays help instructions on how to use the startup options EnzoDS.exe -?
-uri Overrides the configuration file's URL this agent listens on (separate multiple endpoints by a comma) EnzoDS.exe -uri:https://SERVERNAME
EnzoDS.exe -uri:http://*:9559,https://servername
-anonymous Indicates this agent accepts anonymous API requests, or use the ENZODS_ANONYMOUS environment variable (not secure) EnzoDS.exe -anonymous
-init Initializes the agent for first-time use, generates API Keys, and replaces the {uri} parameter in the configuration file if found. This flag can be used with -setauth EnzoDS.exe -init:http://*:9559
-setauth Changes the Agent API Authorization (0: none, 1: all, 2: agent api, 3: jobs api. This flag can be used with -init. When 0 is used, the Manager can still connect to the agent locally, but not from a remote location. EnzoDS.exe -setauth:1
-container Starts the program as a Container mode. This setting changes the behavior of the agent's HTTP listener by allowing Anonymous authentication for a few minutes if settings are not found (new installation). EnzoDS.exe -container


UpgradeDSSvc.exe is the program that updates the agent located in the same directory. This program is started by the agent when requesting an upgrade from the Manager. Unless otherwise specified, this program downloads the upgrade package specified by the first parameter (ex: from a secured cloud location. If the file has already been downloaded, the download operation is skipped unless the -f option is used. These packages are downloaded under a tmp subdirectory and can always be inspected. When this program is executed to perform an operation, an entry is added to the history\history.json file. Finally, a backup of the entire folder is made prior to an upgrade taking place and placed under the backup folder.

The UpgradeDS.log file contains all the executions and operations performed by this program.

This program does not support rollback operations. However, you can always rollback manually by replacing the files from the last backup made under the backup directory.

The following startup options are available:

-? Displays help instructions on how to use the startup options UpgradeDSSvc.exe -?
Arg0 The first argument provided is required and specifies the name of the package to download. The name of a file (absolute or relative location) can also be specified. UpgradeDSSvc.exe
Arg1 Controls the behavior of the upgrade: 0: regular upgrade (attempts to stop the service), 1: to force agent stop (attempts to stop the service or kill the process), 2: download only (no upgrade) - default: 0 UpgradeDSSvc.exe 2
Arg2 The name of the Windows Service that should be stopped/restarted. The service is only restarted if it was running when upgrading the agent. UpgradeDSSvc.exe 0 enzods_9559
-f Force download even if zip file already exists (ignored if Arg0 is a path to a local file) UpgradeDSSvc.exe 0 enzods_9559 -f
-i Outputs current configuration information (must be used alone) UpgradeDSSvc.exe -i
-u Upgrades this utility to the latest version found online (must be used alone) UpgradeDSSvc.exe -u