Data Masking

This component allows you to mask sensitive data on the fly by applying a simple mask over the desired field. The following masking options are available:

  • Default: replaces all the characters of a field with 'X's for strings, 0 for numeric fields, 1/1/1900 for dates and NULL for other data types
  • Credit Card: replaces all the leading characters with 'X' except the last 4 digits
  • Email: replaces the domain with and a constant prefix
  • Random Number: for numeric fields or dates, randomly selects a value between to boundaries
  • Custom Text: exposes a custom number of leading and trailing characters, and fills the middle with a constant string as provided
  • SSN: masks SSN values with an optional leading and trailing number of characters


In this example, the custom masking operation is applied on the first field, leaving the first 7 characters visible.