Overview of Data Pipelines Integration Patterns

The patterns provided below provide support for batch, mini-batch (near-time), and real-time data integration processing. While they support virtually any enterprise integration architecture individually or in combination such as the Remote Site Replication architecture, using both mini-batch and real-time streaming data capture together can enable other well-known architectures such as the Lambda Architecture and the Kappa architecture.

The patterns presented here are divided in three main groups: stateless, stateful, and composite.

  • Stateless: Pushes data from one system to another in its simplest form
  • Statefull: Pushes data from one system to another selectively using a watermark or a synthetic change capture mechanism
  • Composite: Combines two or more patterns previously defined, possibly mixing stateless and stateful patterns to provide the desired integration outcome

Stateless Patterns Snapshot Captures the entire data set from the source system, with or without a filter
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Hook Forwards data that was received by a listener
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CDC Stream Forwards data provided by a native CDC engine
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Stateful Patterns Watermark Forward-only read mechanism that keeps track of a high watermark value
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CDC Synthetic operation that reads source records and only pushes data that changed
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Window Read operation that goes back in time to recapture previously captured data
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Composite Patterns
(partial list)
Watermark + CDC Forward-only read mechanism that keeps track of a high watermark value and filters out records that were previously captured
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One-Way Sync Integration strategy that keeps a source system synchronized with one or more target systems
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Two-Way Sync Integration strategy that keeps two or more systems synchronized, but data can be updated in any system
Aggregation Centralizing data from multiple sources or multiple locations to build data lakes, data hubs, or enable advanced analytics, reporting, or AI/ML scenarios
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