BusinessCentral Online Configuration

To configure BusinessCentral Online in DataZen, you must first have created an Application in your Azure Active Directory tenant and granted access to your BusinessCentral Online company. To view instructions on how to setup your Azure and BusinessCentral Online environment, see the Business Central Configuration document.

HTTP Endpoint

API Endpoint

The default endpoint provided by DataZen points to your BusinessCentral API endpoint, where {COMPANY_ID} represents the unique identifier of your company (a guid value) and {ENVIRONMENT} is the name of the environment within BusinessCentral (ex: Production):{COMPANY_ID}/{ENVIRONMENT}/api/v2.0
After you replace the parameters, a sample HTTP Endpoint would look like this:

ODataV4 Endpoint

You can also choose to configure DataZen to access an ODataV4 endpoint. Use the following template for accessing an ODataV4 endpoint:{TENANT_ID}/{ENVIRONMENT}/ODataV4/Company('{COMPANY_NAME}')
Note that this URI contains three parameters: {TENANT_ID} (the Azure Tenant ID), {ENVIRONMENT}, and {COMPANY_NAME} which is the HTTP-Encoded name of the company (ex: CRONUS,%20Inc.)


BusinessCentral uses Bearer authentication. When creating a new connection, or if you need to obtain a new bearer token, click on Obtain OAuth Token....

Once configured, DataZen will automatically generate new Bearer Tokens using the Refresh Token obtained by the Token service. If the connection is not activelly used for a long period of time, the Refresh Token may expire; if the Refresh Token expires you will need to obtain a new Bearer Token using the OAuth Wizard again.

For more information on how to generate an OAuth token, see the OAuth Wizard documentation.

Rate Limit

BusinessCentral enforces rate limiting on its service. It is recommended to use the following settings to avoid running into these limits:

Call Rate Limit: 100 calls per minute

DataZen rate limiting applies to each individual connection. When creating multiple connections to the same service, the aggregated values of all the rate limits configured on these connections should remain below the BusinessCentral rate limit thresholds.